Who doesn’t like fast food, seriously? We are so busy that we grab cheap food to go. Marketing makes the food enticing for adults and children by referring to them as “happy meals”. As a parent, I have found myself “rewarding” my kids with chicken nuggets and fries for a job well done or as a “treat”. Are we teaching our children that junk food is a reward? Unfortunately, all we’ve done is to compromise our health and well-being by eating fast food.
You probably have heard or even seen the movie Supersize Me. If you haven’t seen it, it is a documentary done by a man named Morgan Spurlock who filmed the results of his fast food only diet for 30 days. The results were even more shocking than he ever imagined. He ended up having to quit the experiment before the 30 days were upon the advisement of his doctor who told him he now had the liver function of an alcoholic.
There have been even more experiments, human and in vivo, that shows just how harmful a fast food diet is to our fundamental health, especially our gut microbiome. See how fast food impacts your gut microbiome which may affect certain aspects of your health.
Immune System
Fast food has also been found to negatively affect our immune system. What we eat affects our gut microbiome which interacts with our immune cells within our gut. Our overindulgence of fast food consisting of mainly fat, salt, and sugar has been shown in some studies to cause inflammation and poor immune function.
Fast food diets are generally high in fat and low in fiber, which can throw off your microbiome balance. This may reduce the growth of good bacteria that produce beneficial short-chain acids like butyrate, known to play a role in reducing inflammation. For example, a small study put South Africans on a “Westernized” fast food diet and Americans on a high fiber diet similar to South Africans for two weeks. The results showed that butyrate levels were cut in half for the South African group and for the American group the butyrate levels nearly doubled.
Studies have shown that high-fat diets alter the gut microbiome which has an effect on our metabolism. It seems that the microbiome may be linked to how energy is extracted from our food and how fat (energy) is stored. Healthy gut bacteria may increase our metabolism while unhealthy gut bacteria may help store fat.
The Bottom Line
Consuming large amounts of junk food has metabolic consequences.In fact, It may increase your risk of insulin resistance and reduce the number of calories you burn every day.
So the moral of the story is… eat a diet of natural whole foods to support your gut health. Also, to fill in the gaps where your daily diet might be lacking, take science-based, nutritional supplements like PhysIQ Prebiotic to support a healthy gut microbiome. We all indulge in a fast food “treat” once in a while, but don’t make it a daily thing. Your body and your gut are very responsive to what tadalafil you put into it.
The No Junk Food Challenge
Here is my 21-day no junk food challenge for you. This is going to be your modern day implementation of “survival of the fittest”– if you’re looking to shed all those extra pounds you’ve been gaining from eating those delicious burgers, pizzas, and other goodies, this is exactly what you need. It’s about time the prednisone world gets to see the real you (which actually means you battling your desires).
Here’s what the challenge is about! Presenting the No Junk Food Challenge rules:
- No chocolate
- No chips
- No fast food
- No cakes
- No pastries
- No donuts
- No muffins
- No candy
- No white bread
- No Biscuits
- No cookies
Share your results on Social media and use the hashtag #TRANSFORMYOURPHYSIQ.
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